Naimisha Forest
Black Swans: Burke, Keynes, Taleb
Branco Milanovic has a very interesting post on why Nassim Nicholas Taleb is “one of the most important thinkers today.”
Milanovic is a professor of economics at CUNY, a leading student of income inequality, and not one, I suppose, to lightly hand out such praise. Taleb, you recall, is a former derivatives trader, . . .
Posted in: conservatismedmund burkeepistemologyinstitutionsj.m. keynespolitical philosophyprobabilityscientific method
Family and Country
"We begin our public affections in our families. No cold relation is a zealous citizen. We pass on to our neighbourhoods, and our habitual provincial connexions. These are inns and resting-places. Such divisions of our country as have been formed by habit, and not by a sudden jerk of authority, were so many little images of the great country . . .
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